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Maruishi Tianjin Northern Bicycle Mall Flagship Store Grand Opening

Maruishi Tianjin Northern Bicycle Mall Flagship Store Grand Opening

  • Categories:ASK News
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  • Time of issue:2015-04-22
  • Views:0

(Summary description) At 9:58 am on April 8, 2015, when you entered the entrance of the Northern Bicycle Mall, the flagship store of Maruishi Northern Bicycle Mall came into view. The long-awaited maruishi (Maruishi) Tianjin Northern Mall flagship store officially opened.

Maruishi Tianjin Northern Bicycle Mall Flagship Store Grand Opening

(Summary description) At 9:58 am on April 8, 2015, when you entered the entrance of the Northern Bicycle Mall, the flagship store of Maruishi Northern Bicycle Mall came into view. The long-awaited maruishi (Maruishi) Tianjin Northern Mall flagship store officially opened.

  • Categories:ASK News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2015-04-22
  • Views:0

  At 9:58 am on April 8, 2015, when you entered the entrance of the Northern Bicycle Mall, the flagship store of Maruishi Northern Bicycle Mall came into view. The long-awaited maruishi (Maruishi) Tianjin Northern Mall flagship store officially opened.


  (Maruishi Northern Mall Flagship Store)


  Tianjin North Bicycle Mall is one of the largest bicycle parts bases in the country, covering an area of ​​120,000 square meters, bringing together nearly a thousand bicycle parts manufacturers and operators across the country, with an annual transaction volume of nearly 10 billion yuan. The mall is located at the junction of Hebei and Dongli District, Tianjin, 15 kilometers away from the outer ring line of Hexingzhuang.


  (Left one: Maruishi Sales Manager Yu Qingfang Middle: Wang Yong, General Manager of Northern Mall Flagship Store, Right One: Maruishi National Marketing Director Zhang Yong)


  This time maruishi (Maruishi) settled in Tianjin North Bicycle Mall, which closely echoes the Tianjin maruishi headquarters. It has a strategic position for market development in the northern region. Tianjin Aisaike Bicycle Industry Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to the development of maruishi Tianjin North Bicycle Mall. Tianjin North Bicycle Mall store gives a good vision and expectation. In 2015, the designers of maruishi (Maruishi) designed the concept of returning the use of bicycles to the essence, centering on daily life, adhering to the century-old production technology and brand heritage of "Japanese Maruishi", and at the same time integrating Chinese modern cultural elements to change modern people. Recognition of bicycles. Accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, the opening ceremony ended successfully with the laughter of many riders and guests.




  (Maruishi Northern Mall Flagship Store Urban Light Rail Area)


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